frequently asked questions

We know many questions come up when considering leasing hunting rights. Below are some of our most asked questions.

Yes! We highly recommend hunters walk the property before leasing it. Once you have logged into your “Big Buck'' membership, you will click on “property location”. A popup with the property’s crossroads will appear. Please notify your leasing agent before heading out to the property. We want to make sure the property is not leased before you head out!

Your hunting lease begins when you make a commitment by placing a non-refundable deposit on the property and it runs until May 31st of that calendar year. All of our long term leases end on May 31st. Whoever leases the property has first right of renewal of the lease. If we are not made aware that you are renewing your lease by April 15th, the property will be availabe to other Big Buck Leasing members.

Our short term hunts are for the days that you book. Please review your hunt dates beforeconfirming your payment.

All of our long term properties are per group. This is regardless of the amount of hunters you have, up to the maximum allowed for the lease.

No. We do not allow guiding, outfitting, or any forms of commercial use, or subleasing, on our properties.

This means your hunt group can have up to that amount of hunters allowed on your lease. It does not matter how often they will use the property, their age, etc. If someone will be on the property (even if they are not hunting) they must be on the lease agreement. If you are looking at a 5 person lease, then 5 individuals can be on the property. This does not people 5 guys one week and 5 different individuals the next week. It means 5 individuals in total for the duration of the lease agreement. If someone is not listed on the lease agreement, they are considered trespassers and they are not covered under the liability insurance.

Yes! We are so excited that you had a great hunting experience on the property and want to renew. As long as the landowner approves of the renewal and we are notified and receive payment by April 15th, the lease is yours for the next calendar year!

Yes! you can add hunters as many hunters as you would like up to the maximum amount of hunters for the property.

Of course! See our Sample Lease Agreement.

Yes. A hunting lease only gives you access to hunt on private land and does not guarantee that you will be able to obtain the necessary state or federal licenses, tags, or permits required. Having a hunting lease does not affect your residency. It strictly transfers the hunting rights from the landowner to you.

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